In a startling reflection on Karnataka’s poor maternal health, nearly 80 per cent of the 635 maternal deaths reported in 2015-16 were because of preventable causes such as post-partum haemorrhage, sepsis, and anaemia.
Most below 29
Although the total number of deaths are less than the 722 deaths reported in 2013-14 and 645 in 2014-15, what is worrying is that 81 per cent of the women who died were aged below 29 and 85 per cent of them were anaemic, which according to doctors, could have been easily picked up early in the antenatal period and treated.
Apart from anaemia, which is the common factor in all the deaths, the highest number of deaths (150 of 635) was due to post-partum haemorrhage (PPH), a cause largely preventable. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), PPH is “preventable and manageable”. While 111 deaths are because of congestive cardiac failure and other cardiovascular causes, 101 are due to pre-eclampsia and 78 due to sepsis.
Highest in Belagavi
Belagavi district has reported the highest number of 81 deaths and Udupi has reported two deaths, which is the lowest. These figures and many more facts about maternal deaths in the State have been highlighted in the first of its kind in-depth maternal death analysis done by the Karnataka State Health System Resource Centre.
source: The Hindu
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